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Is There a Metal Roof in Your Future?

Tom McAndrew

Updated: Feb 6

Are you considering replacing your home’s roof? You may be wondering which material would be best: metal or asphalt shingle. Truth is, all have their advantages, with factors ranging from affordability to durability to lifespan. But one contender stands out: metal roofing.

To help you decide, we will go over the pros and cons of metal roofing to see if a metal roof is indeed in your future.  

Metal Roofs: Pros

There are many benefits to installing metal roofs on your home, including:

  • Longevity. Metal roofs can last up to 70 years with good care, compared with asphalt roofing shingles that lasts up to 50 years.

  • Durability. Metal roofs can handle wind gusts of up to 140 miles per hour. They also won’t crack or corrode, and they resist impacts quite well. They don’t require costly maintenance that other materials like asphalt require, although they should be inspected regularly.

  • Energy efficiency. Metal roofs reflect infrared and UV rays that can add to roof surface radiant heat, leading to a 10 to 25 percent reduction in cooling costs.

  • Environmentally friendly. Metal roofs contain 25 to 95 percent recycled content and are 100 percent recyclable at the end of their lives, compared with shingle tear-off waste that contributes up to 20 billion pounds per year to the landfills.

  • Safety. Metal roofs won’t spark and ignite during wildfires or lightning strikes.

Metal Roofs: Cons

Like any other roofing material, metal does have its drawbacks.

  • Affordability. Metal roofs can cost up to three times as much as, say, asphalt roofs. However, the lifespan of metal is much longer, making it a better long-term investment (provided you plan to stay in your home for the rest of your life).

  • Noise. Metal roofs may become noisy during heavy rain or hail storms, depending on the type of decking present. You can add more attic insulation to solve this problem, but it will increase overall cost.

  • Expansion, contraction and fasteners. Exposed and concealed fasteners have different lifespans which can pose a problem with expansion and contraction. Also, neoprene washers and screws can degrade and get dislodged over time.

  • Inconsistent color. If you ever need a repair or plan to add an extension to the house, it may be challenging to get an exact match to your existing metal.

Queen City Roofing installs a wide range of roofing systems across New Hampshire, if you have questions about metal roofing and why it may be best for your home, Contact us today at (603) 289-HOME (4663) for a free roofing assessment and quote.



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